Weeknight Mysteries Podcast

What Happened Kurt Sova?

Weeknight Mysteries Podcast

Kurt Sova, a 17 year old teenager from a small Cleveland suburb went missing after not returning home from a Halloween party on Friday, October 23rd 1981. 5 days later, Kurt's body was found in a ravine just 2 miles away from his home, he didn't have any visible signs of trauma and his cause of death was never determined. The coroner determined that Kurt Sova had been dead for around 24 hours before his body was discovered, this is bizarre, since he was not known to run away from home and his family expected him to return from the party the same day. 

On top of the strange manner of Kurt's death, there was an odd sighting of him a couple of days into his disappearance, a strange man from Detroit was telling people that police would find his body shortly when Kurt was still missing and the woman who hosted the Halloween party called Kurt's mom and told her there was a unidentified man sleeping in her basement on the same day that Kurt was later found...

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