Weeknight Mysteries Podcast
Welcome to Weeknight Mysteries Podcast where we discuss mysteries and share our perspectives and opinions. Contact us at: weeknightmysteries@gmail.com
Weeknight Mysteries Podcast
What happened to Dorothy Arnold?
Dorothy Harriet Camille Arnold, a 25-year-old socialite and aspiring writer, vanished on December 12, 1910, in New York City. That morning, she told her mother she was shopping for a dress for her sister’s debutante party but declined her mother’s company. Dorothy left home with $25–30 and was last seen around 2 p.m. on Fifth Avenue after purchasing chocolates and a book, then chatting briefly with a friend. She stated she planned to walk home through Central Park but was never seen again.
Her disappearance sparked extensive searches by family, private investigators, and police. Theories ranged from suicide over failed writing ambitions, to elopement with her rumored lover, George Griscom Jr., to death from a botched abortion, possibly linked to a Pennsylvania clinic. Despite widespread speculation and alleged sightings, her fate remains unknown.
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