Weeknight Mysteries Podcast

What Happened to Lee Boxell?

Weeknight Mysteries

Lee Darren Boxell, a 15-year-old from Cheam, disappeared on 10 September 1988, last seen outside a Tesco on Sutton High Street at 2:20 pm, hours after parting ways with a friend and mentioning he might attend a football match he never reached. Decades later, investigations linked his disappearance to "The Shed," an unofficial youth club at St Dunstan's Church in Cheam, where paedophile activity was uncovered, including crimes by gravedigger William Lambert. Police theorized Lee may have died intervening to stop abuse. Suspicions also arose around serial offender Brian Lunn Field, though no concrete evidence has confirmed his involvement.

Ossuary 6 - Air Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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